About us

About us

About us

About us

Arròs L’Estany de Pals is a small family business that cultivates, processes and packages rice. We use agri-environmental methods to produce our rice, which is sun-dried, painstakingly processed and traditionally packaged and includes no added colourants or preservatives.

We are based in the town of Pals, where rice farming was the driving economic force not so long ago. For a long time, therefore, our rice-growing tradition has been handed down from generation to generation.

Given the current background of globalisation, it is hard to ensure that products as select and carefully produced as our rice are differentiated and distinguished: the end consumer is often suspicious about the origin of the rice or the veracity of the claims on the label. We therefore hope that this website informs and guides everyone about what we do, the reasons we do it this way, and where we are located so that people from this region, from the country as a whole and, indeed, from elsewhere in the world can enjoy a unique rice, which we ourselves harvest and produce.